Contact us

Kathy Benischek, staff assistant
Department of Music
(402) 465-2269
kmb [at] (kmb[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)
Nebraska Wesleyan University
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504


Joshua Roach
(402) 465-7501
jroach [at] (jroach[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


Dr. Jana Holzmeier
(402) 465-2281
jjh [at] (jjh[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


Dr. Larry Jones
(402) 465-2278
lej [at] (lej[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Music Scholarships

We would love to hear your audition in-person on a day that you visit campus! If you are unable to do an in-person audition, you can upload an audio/video to our online scholarship application, or give us a link to a website like Google Docs, YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud.

To schedule your audition, complete the online Music Scholarship Audition.

If you have any questions about auditions, please contact the Music Department Staff Assistant, Kathy Benischek at kmb [at] (kmb[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).

Repertoire Requirements

Prepare a program of not more than 10 minutes according to the following recommendations:

Vocal – If you intend to major in vocal music, please prepare at least two contrasting selections from standard solo vocal repertoire (art song, opera, folk song, sacred music, gospel, musical theatre). Memorization is recommended. If you plan to pursue a major in other disciplines, please prepare one or two selections from standard vocal repertoire. Memorization is optional.

Instrumental – Choose quality solo literature to show your talent. Memorization is not required.

Piano – Choose two selections of contrasting style from the standard piano repertoire. Memorization is recommended.

Music Scholarships Available

Following are the music scholarships we offer to high school seniors and transfer students:

The Bennett Music Scholarship
Named in honor of Oscar “Pop” Bennett, these scholarships are awarded to outstanding prospective students who plan to major in vocal music. Scholarships vary in amount and are renewable.

The Fosbury Music Scholarship
Named in honor of M. Evelyn Fosbury, these scholarships are awarded to outstanding prospective students who plan to major in strings. Scholarships vary in amount and are renewable.

The Harrod Music Scholarship
Named in honor of Beth Miller Harrod, these scholarships are awarded to outstanding prospective students who plan to major in piano. Scholarships vary in amount and are renewable.

The Marshall Music Scholarship
Named in honor of Robert Marshall, these scholarships are awarded to outstanding prospective students who plan to major in instrumental music. Scholarships vary in amount and are renewable.

Music Ensemble Participation Scholarship
Students of all majors are eligible to receive a music scholarship at NWU. For students who want to participate in music ensembles, we offer the Music Ensemble Participation Scholarship (EPS). Scholarships vary in amount and are renewable. To receive an EPS, students must participate in a music ensemble as assigned by the music faculty.

To learn more about music scholarships see Competitive Scholarships.